CEO Note
Stefani Pashman, CEO

Winning economies are fueled by technology, innovation, speed, and talent. Post-pandemic regions offering sunshine and ease of business won out. We see talent flocking to places where cranes dot the skyline and neighborhoods brim with character and a diversity of options and opportunities.
Our region is rich with enviable assets – yet somehow, in some way, despite all we have to celebrate, we are not seeing the results we want to see. The region is not realizing its full potential.
Over the past several months, we’ve come together to take stock of where we are and where we want to be. We’ve set our aim on becoming a region that’s defined by transformation and growth – for our economy, our communities, and our people. A place where growth has accelerated and the opportunities and quality of life for everyone keep pace.
A region where main streets from the Golden Triangle to Beaver Falls, from New Castle to Uniontown, from New Kensington to Waynesburg, and all communities in between are uplifted because we are a region of plenty, not scarcity… a place that collects and connects people, blending culture, business, restaurants, and amenities in new and vibrant ways.
And a well-resourced region fosters growth and incubates world-shaping ideas, where technological strengths converge, and new industries and opportunities are created. In the region of our future, tables are set for people to come together to solve problems collectively and strategically.
It’s with this outcome in mind that we’ve designed a bold, new agenda. Fresh off last week’s Annual Meeting, I am energized not only by our new plan but also by the prospect of where it will take us if we recommit ourselves to creating a Pittsburgh region that leads.
Our new 2024-2026 agenda gives us a framework to do just this as we spearhead downtown revitalization, scale-up efforts to drive inclusive growth, maximize federal investments, and step-up thought leadership on strategic economic development issues.
I am grateful for our new chair, David Holmberg, the president and chief executive officer of Highmark Health, as well as the private sector leaders who have stepped up to drive this work forward, including Bill Demchak, the chairman, president, and chief executive officer of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.; Bryan Salesky, the co-founder and CEO of Stack AV; David Roger, president of the Hillman Family Foundations; and Rebekah Byers Kcehowski, managing partner of Jones Day, Pittsburgh.
The vision is solid, and we have a plan – and the leadership – for moving forward together. I invite you to join us. Reach out to let me know where you’d like to lend your expertise.